Reduction of Environmental Risks

Our Concepts

In order to grasp and prevent environmental risks, it is important to understand what is considered a risk, and the effect on the environment when this risk occurs, risk prevention measures, and response methods when risks occur.
In order to grasp and prevent such environmental risks, SII educates through environmental education and internal audits.
Each site discovers and evaluates risks based on ISO 14001. The following are some of the risks that have been discovered.
- Risks of contamination of water quality, air, soil, and so on due to the discharge of toxic substances
- Risks of contamination following natural disasters
- Risks related to water
- Risks of deviation from various national environmental laws
In addition, SII is grasping climate change risks as its parent company Seiko Group Corporation deals with information disclosure through the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Environmental Risk Countermeasures

To reduce risks, SII works out prevention measures and carries out daily inspections and emergency response training.

■Daily inspections

SII has wastewater treatment facilities, boilers, air conditioners, chemical tanks, and other environmentally related facilities and equipment. Periodic inspections and cleanings are carried out to prevent accidents and trouble.

Above-ground Tank
Above-ground Tank

■Training for emergencies

Each SII site considers environmental emergencies and has prepared countermeasures for them and procedure manuals for communication. While it periodically carries out emergency response training based on the procedure manuals to check their validity, SII puts into practice methods to prevent the spread of contamination.

Training for handling leaks of chemical substances
Training for handling leaks of chemical substances

Environmental Compliance

SII has adopted every kind of environmental law. Each site clarifies the regulations to be adopted and checks the state of compliance periodically while following ISO 14001.
In FY 2022, there were no serious legal violations, penalties, or fines related to the environment.

■Pollution control and management

Regarding discharges into the water and air, each SII site establishes and manages their own standards, which are stricter than regulation values, to ensure legal compliance.

■Waste management

SII entrusts waste treatment to waste disposers and carries out on-site audits on a regular basis to promote proper waste disposal. In addition to confirming the contents of the contract, we also check the acceptance and storage conditions.
The audit is accompanied by the Environment Division at the head office to see and check the waste disposers' performance. We also share the audit results among the related sites.

Risks related to water

SII researches and evaluates water risks and strives to mitigate them.
There is a wide variety of elements and scopes related to water risks, so SII first confirmed risks of water intake, risks caused by the tighter wastewater regulations, and risks related to discharging of rainwater contaminated with hazardous substances. As a result, we clarified that there is no risk that could make a significant and immediate impact in terms of operations and environmental contamination. This is due to our years of efforts in implementing measures covering assumed risks and conducting of emergency response training. We will continue our attempts to mitigate risks.